Military time, also known as 24-hour time, is a system of time measured based on 24 hours instead of 12. It is mainly used in the armed forces and in certain industries, such as airlines and hospitals. Although military time uses the same number of hours in a day, it is calculated differently compared to the traditional 12-hour clock that most people are familiar with.
In military time, the hours are labeled from 00 to 23 instead of 1-12. When it's midnight (12:00 AM), it's expressed as 00 in military time. Every hour after midnight (1:00 AM - 11:00 PM) then counts up one number until you get to 12pm (noon). At noon, the military clock moves from 12 to 13 and then continues counting up to 23 for 11 PM. So at 8PM regular time, it's 20:00 military time. The minutes are still expressed just like how they would be on a 12-hour clock; so for example 8:30 PM would be expressed as 20:30.
To easily convert between traditional and military times, you can use an online military time converter or simply add or subtract 12 from any hour above 12PM to get its equivalent in the other system. For instance, if you have a traditional clock displaying 3:15 PM, take twelve away and you will find the equivalent in military time – 15:15.
See more about military time chart
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